Dakota Play Gym Top Parrot Cage

Dakota Play Gym Top Parrot Cage


  • A cage complete with a useful playtop area
  • Has bowls, trays, grilles and more
  • Sits on castors so simple to move
  • Suitable for African Grey, Amazon, Cockatoo and more
  • Standard Delivery Only (Monday – Friday, excluding Bank Holidays)

About this Product

A roomy flat top cage with a play gym attached.

This Rainforest Dakota Play Gym Parrot Cage provide a dedicated safe place for your Parrot to play outside of their cage. Perfect where room is at a premium and a separate play gym may not be an option.

There are two bowls with the play gym top which you can use to provide your Parrot with a tasty snack, fresh water or some fun foot toys to play with.

The large full height cage door ensures that you have the best access when it comes to cleaning and maintaining the inside of the cage, meaning no awkward stretching to reach those corners!

The slide out grilles and trays has also been designed to help keep the overall time required for cleaning to a minimum.

The Dakota Play Gym Top Parrot Cage comes with removable seed catchers, helping to reduce the amount of waste ending up all over your floor, meaning less time cleaning up.

All the three feeders are fix to swing out doors for ease of access and help to reduce any stress to your Parrot.

The use of castors ensures that moving your cage is easy, especially useful when cleaning and maintaining the back sections of your Parrot’s cage.

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