Male otter for sale
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Male otter for sale

Original price was: $1,900.00.Current price is: $1,200.00.

Male otter for sale

Male otters, sometimes called dogs or boars, are interesting members of the otter family. Here’s what you should know about them:

Size and Appearance:

  • Male otters are generally larger than females, although the size difference can vary depending on the species.
  • Adult males can range in size from 0.6 to 1.8 meters (2.0 to 5.9 ft) in length and weigh from 1 to 45 kg (2.2 to 99.2 lb).
  • They share similar physical characteristics with females, including a long, streamlined body, webbed feet for swimming, and a thick, muscular tail that helps them steer and balance in the water.
  • Their fur is dense and waterproof, with colors varying depending on the species. Common fur colors include brown, black, and gray, sometimes with lighter markings on the throat and chest.

Social Behavior:

  • Male otters can be solitary creatures outside of mating season.
  • During breeding season, they may compete with other males for mates.
  • Some otter species, like the giant otter, live in family groups that include both parents and offspring. However, in these family groups, there’s typically only one breeding pair.

Interesting Facts:

  • Male otters are skilled swimmers and divers. Their powerful bodies and webbed feet allow them to navigate through water with agility.
  • They are resourceful predators and use their strong forepaws and sharp claws to catch fish, crabs, and other aquatic prey.
  • In some species, male otters have been observed exhibiting what’s called “hostage behavior” during mating season. This involves grabbing a pup from another female and holding it until she gives up some of her food.


  • Male otters reach sexual maturity later than females, typically between the ages of three and five.
  • Mating typically occurs in the water.
  • After mating, the female carries the litter for several months before giving birth to one to four pups.
  • While the female takes primary responsibility for raising the young, some species, like the sea otter, may involve the male in caring for the pups.


  • Male otters face similar threats as females, including habitat loss due to pollution and water contamination.
  • They are also vulnerable to overfishing, which can reduce their food sources.
  • In some areas, otters are hunted for their fur or due to perceived competition with fisheries.

By understanding the unique characteristics and challenges faced by male otters, we can work towards better conservation efforts for these fascinating creatures.

Gender: 1 Male
Breed: Otter
Birthday Certificate Available
Full Vet Records Available
Otter For Sale

Buy Asian Small Clawed Otters, Asian Small Clawed Otters are available for sale. They have had their shots and USDA Licensed. We ship within the USA and world wide and we are looking for a perfect home. Our babies are to be giving only to pet loving family. They are now ready and set to go. Will come with papers and accessories. Friendly babies are the once we got now. puppy otter for sale, where to buy otters, Cute otters for sale, asian otter for sale near me
where a trained animal from a known pedigree can change hands for high prices – these working otters are generally from captive, working mothers, and learn their trade by swimming free whilst their mother, usually wearing a harness with a rope attached, drives fish into the nets. otters for sale online

Male otter for sale

Male otters, like their female counterparts, exhibit a range of behaviors and characteristics that are crucial to their survival and reproductive success. Here’s a detailed overview of male otters:

Physical Characteristics

  1. Size and Weight
    • Male otters are generally larger and heavier than females.
    • Their size and weight vary by species, but males typically weigh between 15 to 35 pounds (7 to 16 kg) and measure about 3 to 5 feet (0.9 to 1.5 meters) in length, including their tails.
  2. Appearance
    • Male otters have streamlined bodies, webbed feet, and dense, water-repellent fur that keeps them insulated in water. Their fur color ranges from dark brown to grayish, depending on the species.

Behavior and Social Structure

  1. Social Groups
    • Male otters can be solitary or social, depending on the species. For example, male sea otters are more solitary, while river otters can be more social and often form small groups.
    • Male otters may establish territories that overlap with those of females but tend to avoid direct competition with other males when possible.
  2. Reproduction
    • Male otters reach sexual maturity between 2 and 5 years of age, depending on the species.
    • They engage in courtship behaviors that include vocalizations, physical displays, and sometimes playful or aggressive interactions.
    • After mating, males do not participate in raising the young. The responsibility for rearing the offspring falls to the female.

Habitat and Diet

  1. Habitat
    • Male otters inhabit various environments, including rivers, lakes, coastal areas, and marine environments. They are highly adaptable and thrive in both freshwater and saltwater habitats.
    • They need clean, unpolluted water with abundant food sources and areas for resting and denning.
  2. Diet
    • Male otters are carnivorous and have a diet that includes fish, crustaceans, mollusks, amphibians, and small mammals. They are skilled hunters, using their agility and intelligence to catch prey.

Conservation Status

  1. Threats
    • Male otters face threats similar to those of females, including habitat destruction, water pollution, hunting, and trapping. Climate change also affects their habitats and food sources.
    • Specific threats vary by species, but all otters are affected by human activities to some degree.
  2. Conservation Efforts
    • Conservation programs focus on habitat protection, pollution control, legal protection, and reintroduction projects.
    • Public education and awareness campaigns help garner support for otter conservation.

Male Otters in Captivity

  1. Zoo and Sanctuary Care
    • Male otters in zoos and wildlife sanctuaries contribute to breeding programs, research, and education. They require environments that mimic their natural habitats and provide mental and physical enrichment.
    • Enclosures must include water features for swimming, areas for denning, and a diet that reflects their natural food sources.

Notable Species

  1. Sea Otter (Enhydra lutris)
    • Found along the coasts of the northern and eastern North Pacific Ocean, male sea otters are known for their use of tools and complex behaviors. They often establish territories and can be more solitary than females.
  2. North American River Otter (Lontra canadensis)
    • Inhabiting a wide range of freshwater habitats across North America, these otters are agile swimmers and playful creatures. Male river otters can be more social and are known for their playful interactions.
  3. Eurasian Otter (Lutra lutra)
    • Found across Europe and Asia, the Eurasian otter is adaptable to various freshwater and coastal habitats. Males establish territories that overlap with those of females but tend to be more solitary.


Male otters play a vital role in the reproductive success and social dynamics of their species. Their behaviors and adaptations are essential for their survival and contribute to the ecological balance of their habitats. Due to various environmental threats, conservation efforts are crucial to protect these unique and charismatic animals. Understanding the needs and characteristics of male otters helps in creating effective conservation strategies and providing proper care in captivity. Supporting conservation initiatives and promoting habitat protection are key to ensuring the survival of otters in the wild.

Male otter for sale
Male otter for sale

Gender: 1 Male
Breed: Otter
Birthday Certificate Available
Full Vet Records Available
Otter For Sale

Buy Asian Small Clawed Otters, Asian Small Clawed Otters are available for sale. They have had their shots and USDA Licensed. We ship within the USA and world wide and we are looking for a perfect home. Our babies are to be giving only to pet loving family. They are now ready and set to go. Will come with papers and accessories. Friendly babies are the once we got now. puppy otter for sale, where to buy otters, Cute otters for sale, asian otter for sale near me


where a trained animal from a known pedigree can change hands for high prices – these working otters are generally from captive, working mothers, and learn their trade by swimming free whilst their mother, usually wearing a harness with a rope attached, drives fish into the nets. otters for sale online
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